For More Than 20 Years…
…Our physician approved medical-grade device has helped over 500,000 men permanently enlarge their penis. How?
By applying a clinically proven method called Traction.
The Traction Method is a safe, non-surgical way to enlarge your penis.
Medical experts explain that the Traction Method triggers a natural cell duplication process called mitosis.
In simple terms, Traction (which applies a gentle stretch to your member) causes the cells in your penis to duplicate, enlarging the penis (both length and girth).

Studies Show Results Are Permanent
And that’s why physicians and surgeons around the world recommend the ProExtender® method. Which is a god-send for men.
- There’s no “recovery time” when using the ProExtender®. Which means, you can have sex right away… immediately after wearing the ProExtender®.
- This enlargement device is easy to slip on-and-off. Quickly too.
Perhaps, the best news is, the entire experience is pain-free. No aches. No pains. Nothing.

The Science of Enlarging Your Penis with the Traction Method
Here’s how the Traction Method works using the ProExtender®
Step 1: Securely fasten the ProExtender® to your penis
Don’t worry! With your ProExtender®, you’ll receive an instructional DVD (and manual) showing you how to easily and quickly assemble and attach the device. It’s really simple. And you can follow along, step-by-step, without fuss.

Step 2: Adjust screws to the proper degree of tension
You’ll know exactly what degree of tension you’ll need to achieve your enlargement goals. Because with your ProExtender®, you’ll receive a “Quick Guide” – which is a clinically documented enlargement program you can easily follow for permanent growth.

Step 3: Continue wearing the ProExtender®
In order to see significant results, you must wear your ProExtender® regularly. Your “Quick Guide” will give you an easy-to-follow, step-by-step program you can follow, to safely enlarge your penis.

Step 4: Traction (tension + time) triggers mitosis (cell duplication)
The ProExtender® is designed to apply safe, gentle tension (Traction) for extended time periods. Traction stretches the cells, causing them to divide. Meaning, one cell becomes two cells. Then two become four. And four become eight. And that’s the enlargement process. You get the picture?

Step 5: Permanent enlargement is achieved
The results you achieve using the ProExtender® are permanent. You could see results in a little as 2 weeks. The entire experience is painless. And with continued use, you could increase erection length by up to 29% and girth by up to 19%. You could achieve these results in 6 months (or less).
What’s great about the ProExtender® is you can continue using it until you reach your desired size.