10 Sex Positions You Should Leave to Porn Stars

Admit it, guys. You have a stash of Playboy and other men’s magazines under your bed. You even have a special bookmarks folder dedicated to your favorite porn sites, just in case your girl is not available for some action. As much as you love, eat and breathe porn, there are situations and positions that will make you say, “What the F?”
Though face it: porn is not real. It is meant to make you guys feel bad about yourself because you can’t last for hours on end in bed. Porn taps your sexual fantasies and tickles your imagination – although not all fantasies must be re-enacted. Most of the time, the situations presented are so unreal, it’s impossible to happen in real life.
As much as you want to give porn sex a shot, some things are better if left in the movies than doing it in real life. Plus, you want to avoid any injury, too.
So, before you go crazy and experimental, here are 10 sex positions you need to stay away from when inside the bedroom – with a real girl.
1. The Stand-And-Carry Position
Okay, fine. This might be the perfect opportunity for you to show your strength and toned arms. As much as this idea delights your girl knowing you can carry and hump her at the same time, it’s not going to be easy for you.
It only takes a minute and you feel like your arms are about to fall off. Somewhere in the middle, your back is about to break, because men are not designed to do two things at the same time.
Plus, there is a higher risk of dropping her, too, which can be embarrassing, as well.
Unless you have strong arms and your girl weighs 90 pounds, go ahead and do this position. But if you’re not spending time in the gym, well, stick to easier positions that doesn’t require arms. Woman on top, perhaps?
2. ATM Or Ass To Mouth
This is a practice wherein the guy puts his penis in the girl’s mouth after hardcore anal sex. Sounds yucky, right? Fine, you don’t want to cum inside her, but seriously, are you that mean?
First, it’s anal. It’s the place where that four-letter word comes out of your body. Hence, there is a higher probability that there are bacteria trapped in your penis. Second, you will transfer those bacteria in her mouth, which could lead to something even more serious, like an illness. So, please, have a heart. Don’t pressure your girl to do things she’s not comfortable with just because you saw it on porn. Be nice.
3. The Pile Driver
Pile driver is a sex position where your girl is lying on her back and hips up while you are on a squat position, thrusting into her.
Sounds exciting, right? And not everyone can do this position and find pleasure from it, except for Max Hardcore. Even porn stars are not a fan of this position and here’s why.
First, there is too much blood rushing on the woman’s head, which could make her pass out. Second, this position requires flexibility, which explains why not everyone can do it. Third, this could leave to back pain and eventually, spinal damage.
Unless you are a wrestler or you’re just that mean, you don’t care about the long term effects of this position, then fine, do it. Otherwise, stay out of it.
4. Anal Sex, Sans The Preparation
Anal sex is so common in porn films these days. In fact, there are only a few porn movies that don’t have at least one anal scene.
And the way the dude puts his thing inside her butt, wow, like a breeze. Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as it looks.
Believe it or not, porn stars wear anal sphincters to stretch out their back doors. There are also lots of lube applied to make the entry easier. Plus, there is a thing called “cut” or taking a break in between takes just in case.
Anal sex requires time, patience and lots of lubrication. Don’t put your penis inside her immediately. Start with something small, such as your finger. One last thing, don’t force the issue. A complaint for sexual assault is the last thing you need, right?
5. The Double Stuff
Yes, stuff, not penetration. Think about this – are you willing to share your girl with other dudes? Even if you said yes, will you allow another man’s penis inside her, while your man down there is inside her, too?
Don’t be too selfish. Two penises in one vagina are simply uncomfortable and too painful for her. At the same time, the idea of your penis rubbing against another man’s penis is just too much for a normal person to even think about, what more if you will experience it first hand?Oh, and ever heard of the term, personal space? Respect that.
Do yourself and your girl a favor and stick to the one penis inside the vagina rule.
6. Deep Throat
You can’t help but feel bad for porn stars, especially women. Men can do anything to them and they have to pretend that they are enjoying it when deep inside, they are writhing in pain. An example of this is deep throat.
This started in 1972 where the female lead discovered that her clitoris was at the back of her throat, not down there, making her the best fellatio performer around the world. Unfortunately, this is fiction and real women’s clits are down there, not in the throat.
In real life, shoving your member into her throat is just plain sick. It is unpleasant, painful, and difficult for her to breathe. Yes, gagging may be pleasurable for some women, but this doesn’t mean you should assume that your girl likes it too.
If you want deep throat, talk about it. Don’t bury her head in your area down there until she starts to choke.
7. Aggressive Fingering
Oh please. Women are sensitive creatures, especially when it comes to what’s down there. One to two fingers are acceptable and pleasurable for her. On the other hand, five fingers or placing your entire fist inside her is just too much – and painful, too.
That’s not all. Be gentle. Excessive and aggressive fingering can also make her bleed inside, so take it easy.
You’re not in a contest and there is no prize at the end, well, except for orgasm and pleasure, provided you play the role of a nice and a bit of rough guy. Be sensitive to her needs, so there is no need to finger-blast her vagina, as if you are competing for the fastest texter contest.
Relax. Like what Usher said, “Take it nice and slow.”
8. The legs spread wide position
Fine, cowgirl or the woman on top position is one of the easiest and most pleasurable positions ever invented.
If you’re tired of the usual cowgirl, then add a twist to it by doing it on reverse. This means she is still on top of you, but she is not facing you.
However, leave it at that. Don’t ask her to spread her legs wide enough to expose every inch of her area down there. This only works in porn where everything has to be exposed. You’re not a porn star and there are no cameras around. Plus, it can be very uncomfortable for her since there is not much support in this position.
9. The Facial
Also known as “the money shot.” Although the plot and positions vary, all porn films end with the dude’s moment of orgasm.
You usually see it on the woman’s butt, back, chest and even on her face. While this may be a turn on for you, it may not be for her.
Therefore, always ask permission before you cum on her face. It might get in her eyes and your semen will take forever to get it out of her hair. The least you can do is to be considerate and give your girl a proper warning. Some women are not into it. If your girl is one of them, then this can be an issue for you.
10. Slap That Dick
Since time immemorial, men are always superior to women – and men will make sure their authority is not compromised.You may not notice but the dick slap where male porn actors bang their members against the woman’s butt, breasts, or even face is an example of this “I’m the boss” mentality.
There are two reasons why men do the dick slap. Allegedly, banging your dick helps you stay hard. Another reason would be to connote degradation. Just imagine slapping your dick on your wife’s face – isn’t that degrading?
Whatever the reasons are behind the dick slap, the point is you should not do it. If you want to maintain an erection, then at least give your man a hand job or ask your partner if she can give you some head. If you want respect, then make sure you show some respect, too.
Porn can be a good place to find inspirations in terms of sex. However, this doesn’t mean you should do everything you watch on film. Think about how your partner will feel, and don’t forget to ask consent in case you want to try something. In other words, be a perfect gentleman.