Does Masturbation Increase Penis Size: You Be the Judge

One very common activity that all boys to men do is to masturbate. For those people that are a bit closed minded about sexuality, it may sound absurd to know this little fact.But for those people who know more about how reproductive organs work, it is a very normal activity done by both men and women.
When a young boy starts to masturbate, Masturbation is pretty much easing them into the world of sexual activities that they will need when they fully develop into a man.
No one can hide the fact that pretty much all men masturbate at some point in their life.
But since men do it frequently, the question remains “does masturbation increase penis size?” That is a question that many men have asked themselves because masturbation does have its health benefits and since men do it often, who knows, it could be possible to increase the size of the penis.
Learn the important facts when it comes to masturbation and also about penis enlargement. Find out about products and treatments that are known to somehow lengthen and widen the penis for a little added knowledge in your mind.
What Is Masturbation?
For those folks who are not too open to the idea of masturbation, well one thing you have to know is that it is normal.
Masturbation is a self-stimulation of the genital area to reach sexual arousal and pleasure which usually aims to reach sexual climax or what is also known as an orgasm. Masturbation is usually done by massaging, stroking or touching of the genital areas of the body.
This self-stimulation activity is done by both men and women so do not be surprised if you hear about women doing the same thing.Masturbation is very common and a form of sex play that is safe for people.
For some, masturbation may be a taboo topic since there are many myths about how harmful and damaging it could be.But even in the medical world, this activity could actually be beneficial to a person’s physical health and mental health.
How Common Is It For People To Masturbate?
Like we said before, masturbation is very common. Studies actually reveal that at least 7 out of 10 adult men and 5 out of 10 adult women do some sort of self-stimulation.
When Do People Typically Begin Masturbating?
The answer for this question really depends from person to person. There is really no common age that goes for both men and women because masturbation could start any time during a person’s life.
But there are many cases in where 13 to 15 year olds start to explore their bodies and discover how masturbation works all on their own.Since these ages are usually the ages of puberty, hormones also help out with sexual arousal and stimulation.
One difference between younger men who masturbate and older men are the sexual fantasies that they image while doing the activity.
Since older men may be a bit more exposed to pornography and sexual experiences they think about those past experiences that have already occurred to them or look at pornographic magazines, videos and / or websites.
Why Do People Masturbate?
The most common reasons why people masturbate are the following:
- Masturbation could bring on some form of relaxation
- Masturbation could relieve sexual stress and tension
- Masturbation could arise sexual pleasure
- Masturbation could help out those couples that are not in physical contact with one another
What Are The Health Benefits Of Masturbation?
It is actually good for both physical and mental health.People who masturbate instead of having sexual relations with many people are more protected from the fact of developing some form of sexual transmitted disease or STDs and also unexpected pregnancy.
It is a wonderful way to learn about sexuality and could also teach a person how to reach sexual arousal and orgasm.Learning about what feels good to you sexually could also help out relationships since they could teach their partners about what feels good to them.
The more comfortable a person is about their sexuality the more comfortable they are with their partner when sex comes along. Confidence could increase as well as a person’s overall well-being when it comes to sexual matters.
Other health benefits of masturbation are:
- Enhances physical and emotional feelings towards sex
- Increases the chances of orgasms
- Improves relationships with partners
- Improves sleeping habits
Boosts up self-esteem and improves body image issues
- Provides sexual ease especially with those individuals that do not have a partner
- Could be a form of treatment for those with sexual dysfunction
- Reduces stress levels
- Increases the blood flow in the genital area
- Helps relieve muscle tension and menstrual cramps
- Strengthens the muscles in the anal and pelvic regions of the body
Those are only some of the common health benefits known by many people when it comes to masturbating.
Does Masturbation Increase Penis Size?
One very common myth about this self-stimulation activity is that it could somehow increase the size of the penis.
Since men are always looking for means of lengthening their “manhood” the question arises about “does masturbating increase penis size?”
But the truth of the matter is, masturbation could possibly increase the size of the penis, but no studies have shown it to be quite true.
Yes it does bring many sure health benefits to the table, but increasing the penis is not clearly one of those proven facts. Although, there are many men that claim that this is true.The thing is, a man’s penis depends on their genetically makeup. It also depends on other factors as they are developing.
There have been no known studies that show that masturbation could actually increase the penis but since people swear on it, trying it out would not harm anyone.
When the question is asked about “does masturbation increase penis size?” the answers are still unclear. Some men may swear on it while others are not too sure because no studies have shown such results.But one thing is for sure, masturbation is a normal part of a person’s life. No harm will come upon doing it and it is better than being promiscuous with other partners.