Penis Enlargement Surgery: 5 Important Questions Men Ask

Since there are countless products, exercises and / or devices that aim to increase the size of the penis, there are many men that are sick and tired of some treatments that claim to work but at the end do not give off any results at all.
With the many companies that saythat their product or method is the best for male enhancement, which company do you really believe? This is a question that circulates in the minds of the men who are unsatisfied with their penis size and want to learn about and use a treatment that will give them desired results.
Even if you have consulted your situation with your health care professional and what they suggested for male enhancement still has not worked, maybe you should go a different direction.
A treatment that could be sure of giving you the results that you want.
Penis enlargement surgery has been around for years and many men have already gone under the knife to increase their penis size. The question is if penis enlargement plastic surgery is the right choice for you and your situation.
Continue to read on to find out about the facts that you should be aware of when it comes to surgery. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages that it comes along with so that you know what to expect.
1. What Is Penis Enlargement Surgery?
Surgery to increase the penis size offers a more permanent solution for men. It is an invasive procedure that deals with a lot more aspects compared to the simple non-invasive products and treatments that you may already know about.
Surgery requires a surgeon and an anaesthesiologist to get through the entire procedure. It is invasive because it requires certain tools that are sharp in where reconstruction of the penis is done.
2. What Are The Advantages Of Male Enhancement Surgery?
One of the main benefits of penis enlargement surgeries is that it provides a more permanent treatment for increasing the penis size.
With surgery, the male genitalia could be enlarged visually (around an inch or so depending on the desired and safe length possible).
Another advantage is that a man could have more confidence because of the increase in their size which will not take months and years to achieve.
If done properly and under a well-trained and experienced plastic surgeon, the penis enlargement surgery is done once. The biggest benefit of the entire process is more on psychological advantages.
3. Does Penis Enlargement Surgery Work?
Yes, male enhancement surgery does work if done correctly. If you have any plans on getting surgery to increase penis size, make sure that you talk to your health care provider regarding the topic.
They will know the benefits and risks that come along with it. They also have the knowledge of professional and well-trained plastic surgeons that could do the job very well without causing any damage to the penis.
Your best bet is to consult with a few plastic surgeons about their experiences in this type of surgery so that you can have options to choose from.
Keep in mind that an expensive surgeon does not necessary mean that they are the best.Do your research and ask your doctor about the plastic surgeons that he knows that could help you with this entire procedure.
4. What Are The Disadvantages Of Penis Enlargement Surgery?
A disadvantage of this type of surgery is if it is not done correctly by the surgeon. That is why it is important to choose a professional who you can trust and talk to about your concerns.
Get to know your surgeon and look at the work he has done in the past. It is best to choose a surgeon that has done many penis enlargement surgeries in the past so that you have a peace of mind that they know what they are doing.
If the surgery is not done properly and in a sterile manner, there are several problems that can arise from it such as minor to major infections of the body.Besides infections, male enhancement surgeries that go wrong could also result in losing sensations in the penis because there are nerves that will be affected.
If the surgery goes wrong it could also disfigure the penis thus causing more psychological concerns.
It is also quite expensive and could cost $4,000 to $20,000 depending on the plastic surgeon that you choose to do the procedure.
It could also cause changes in the urinary system if it is not done correctly.It could pose high risk for infections in the urethra and also cause scarring in some serious cases which could narrow certain tubes in the urinary system.
5. When Is Male Enhancement Surgery Recommended?
In reality, getting surgery to increase the penis size is least recommended because of its drawbacks. The only time surgery should be considered on the male genitalia is if the penis needs reconstruction because of an accident or injury that happened to it.
Although it might give off the results that you want in terms of your penis size, it also poses a high risk in a negative way.
Keep in mind that penis enlargement surgery is least recommended even for surgeons.They actually try to avoid this procedure as much as possible because of certain purposes.
The best thing you can do is to talk to your doctor about other options that are a bit safer and low risk when it comes to accidents, disfigurement and other complications.
Surgery could always be your last resort especially when it comes to increasing the penis size.Weigh out your options if ever you do decide to go through with the entire procedure.
Choose a plastic surgeon that has done procedures like such in the past and has mastered everything that needs to be mastered when it comes to penis enhancement.