Socks and Sex: 9 Explosive Lovemaking Tips Medical Science Backs Up

Fact: Women have more than one erogenous zone. This means that aside from the area down there, there are other portions in their body, such as the neck and ears that requires attention. No, it’s not because some random dude from a popular men’s magazine told you to lick it. In fact, there is an actual scientific explanation for every sex tip available on the World Wide Web.
The question now is this: Does science really back up these sex tips? The answer is, it depends on the sex tips you are planning to follow.
For sure, you are probably bombarded by tons of articles with sex tips, like how to make your summer sex more sizzling, but the truth is, they don’t really know what they are talking about.
Don’t worry. You don’t have to waste your time on expensive magazines and visit websites that know nothing about sex and everything between the sheets. Here are nine lovemaking tips that surely won’t let you down.
1. The Hot And Cold Erogenous Zones
Who says only the seasons change? America may have summer, autumn, spring and winter, but did you know that the human body has the so-called hot and cold erogenous zones?To put things in perspective, can you remember the scene in Fifty Shades of Grey where Christian used ice and outlined it on Anastacia’s body?
She may be faking it for the movie, but the truth is there are certain areas in your body that are more sensitive to heat and cold.Science dictates that that your sensitivity decreases when your skin is exposed to prolonged heat. On the other hand, a little play on the temperature can send tingles all over your body.
Hence, remember this: during summer, your fingertips, elbows and nose are most sensitive to heat. To spice things up, ice or anything cold goes on your nose, upper lip, chest, chin and fingers, places that are all more responsive to cold.
If you want to awaken your senses and that of your ladylove, a chilled bottle of champagne, warm oils, frozen popsicles or ice chips could go a long way.
2. Your Body Is A Wonderland
Who wouldn’t agree with John Mayer when he said that a woman’s body is a wonderland? Indeed, a woman’s body has erotic points that you can trigger anytime to get her in the mood.However, many couples suffer from same old, same old sex, so that everything else becomes predictable.
Don’t worry. Science has got you covered. On a sheet of paper, draw an outline of a human body, both front and back. Call this as your pleasure map. Tell your girl to encircle the areas where she wants you to pay attention.
Then assign a number according to the degree of priority, starting from number one. Do the same for yourself.
During sex, refer to pleasure map to guide you on how to go about with sex. This simple exercise could help spice things up in the bedroom, thanks to the tip by one of the experts in the field of sex and sensation.
3. Two Words: Morning Sex
There is a reason why many people recommend morning sex. According to research, morning sex with your ladylove could reduce stress, elevate your mood for the day and boost your immunity. This means that before you go crazy with your schedule for the day, a little action in bed goes a long way.
Bedtime sex may be fun. However, the problem with this is that your daily activities and routines at night cut down the opportunity and your energy for some sexy time in the bedroom. Therefore, take advantage of your morning hormones and set your alarm a few minutes early than your intended wake up schedule. Keep the lights dim and get into action.
Who says you need coffee to get you pumped up?
4. Oral Sex Is The Golden key To A Woman’s Orgasm
There is a difference between sex only and sex with some action down there first. In the first scenario, you and your girl just had some action and that’s it.
After kissing, you immediately pulled down your pants and got inside her without a warning. That’s fine, especially when you don’t care about her ability to reach orgasm.
The second scenario is different. This time, you pay attention to her needs first by giving her pleasure not just down there, but also on her entire body. According to researchers from Indiana University, 81 percent of women who reached orgasm received a certain kind of pleasure down there. They found out that the more varied the stimulation is, the easier it was for the women to reach orgasm.
The bottom line is, spend some time stimulating her senses and triggering erotic points on her body. Don’t go in the battlefield without preparing your soldiers and armor for war.
5. It All Boils Down To Diet
Here’s the truth: Your diet also plays an important role in your sex life. Apparently, there is no exact formula that will guarantee success in the bedroom.It will be a combination of two or more factors that might work for you but not for the other guys.
Still, it won’t hurt if you change your diet and let go of unhealthy eating habits. Experts are still divided on the concept of aphrodisiacs.
However, they all agree that what goes inside your body matters. If you eat greasy cheeseburgers and drink alcohol most of the time, you might have trouble getting your man up.
Therefore, making simple and non-drastic changes in your eating habits could go a long way. Make it one commitment every week and make sure to stick to it. Start with burger. Instead of ordering from McDonald’s, replace it with a lean, homemade version. Or, try a portobello mushroom burger instead. It has essential vitamins and nutrients that could boost blood flow in proper areas. The results may not be overnight, but you will surely see an improvement in your sex life eventually.
6. Give A Massage To Set The Mood
Fact: women love getting a massage. It’s no wonder most spa and massage centers cater to primarily women.
After a tiring and stressful week, getting a massage helps them relax and at the same time, releases any tension from their daily activities. Plus, how can they say no to it, right?
However, there is more to massage than just helping her feel better. Sensual touch releases oxytocin, a powerful sex hormone that increases a woman’s testosterone levels, which in turn fuels her sex drive. More importantly, the feeling of scented oil rubbed on her skin is one of the tried and tested formulas that get women in the mood.
If you are looking for ways to make sex more passionate, give her a massage. The idea of her naked body with oil will also get you in the mood.
7. Take A Fun Trip To The Amusement Park
Here’s another fact: your sex life suffers once things start to become predictable in the relationship. Unless you do something about it, you could lose not just your sex life, but also your ladylove.
To spice things up, start with a trip to an amusement park. Engaging in new, exciting and challenging activities together re-ignites the feelings of passion and excitement that was associated during the early stages of dating. This is where a rollercoaster ride together comes in.
The thrill of riding and doing something together and both of your adrenaline pumping, hand in hand, can be compared to your relationship. It helps bring back the passion you once lost. If riding a rollercoaster is not your thing, then you could go for other thrill-seeking, challenging activities, such as hiking or bungee jumping.
Mandy Moore as Ana Foster, anyone?
8. Take A Shower – Together
There is so much buzz about pheromones and its ability on a woman. The effects of scent are undeniable in animal.
In the case of humans, there is still no proven pheromone that could make you irresistible. While experts are still looking for this, the best thing you could do is to smell good.
The idea of her naked body with soap and water running across it is enough to make your man stand up – again. Who knows, she’s in the mood for round number two. Be careful, you may end up spending the entire day in bed. Hopefully, you have some personal days coming.
9. Vitamin D, The Sunshine Vitamin
You will never run out of natural ways to boost your sex drive. While exercise, diet and adequate amount of sleep are favorites, there is one thing you shouldn’t take advantage of – sunlight.
Studies show that sunlight exposure could boost your testosterone levels, thereby increasing your libido. It turns out that T needs D vitamins, as well, so your body can produce enough supply of this sex hormone.
Just make sure you wear a sunscreen, especially when going out in the afternoon. The sun is at its strongest between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., so go out in the early morning or late afternoon instead.Now you know why it is called vitamin D. You get the picture.
Given these tips, are you ready to give your sex life a boost?